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NFRC Fall 2013 Ballot Cycle in Process

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The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) Fall 2013 ballot cycle opened for comment by current NFRC members. Resu

The National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) Fall 2013 ballot cycle opened for comment by current NFRC members. Results will be presented and discussed at the Fall 2013 NFRC membership meeting which will be held September 23-25 in Tempe, Ariz.

Items up for comment include NFRC 101 Ballot, which clarifies language regarding timelines, staff responsibilities for notification, inclusion of density as a variation to list new Appendix B items, and other minor edits; NFRC 700 Reorganization Ballot, which modifies the “NFRC 700: Product Certification Program” document for the purposes of including recommended changes as proposed after the NFRC 700 Temporary Label Reorganization ballot in Spring 2013; NFRC 700 Air Leakage Test Certification Cycle Ballot, which modifies the “NFRC 700: Product Certification Program” document for the purposes of defining the certification cycle of an air leakage rating when a test report is submitted for approval in an NFRC CPD product line; NFRC 700 Product Line Extension Ballot, which modifies the “NFRC 700: Product Certification Program” document for the purposes of extending a product line’s certification which will be replaced by a new product line; the NFRC 700 Section 5 Removed Components Ballot that proposes new language to ensure that when components (materials or glazings) are removed from NFRC approved lists, whole fenestration products that were rated prior to the removal of components shall remain as “approved ratings” for the remainder of their certification cycle; the NFRC 700 Section 6 Permanent Label Ballot that modifies the “NFRC 700: Product Certification Program” document for the purposes of removing the requirement for applied film products to not require a permanent label; and the NFRC 700 Section 8 Plant Inspection Ballot that removes the requirement for IAs and participants to copy NFRC on plant inspection reports. All inspection reports are electronic and sent via email to NFRC staff.

Only NFRC members in good standing are eligible to vote on NFRC ballots, although non-members are able to review the ballots to determine how possible changes may affect them.

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