Vitrum will include a series of events, seminars and conferences, both regarding the Italian market as well as international scenarios.
Vitrum will include a series of events, seminars and conferences
This year’s Vitrum show will include a series of events right from the first morning.
The first event will be the Press Conference to inaugurate the show at 11.00 in LEM 2 on 3 October. Those wishing to take part must be registered, with a VIP Pass (yellow/gold bar).
The conference will provide simultaneous translation from English to Italian on request, as well as a Press Kit for all participants.
The conference will be followed by a buffet.
Speakers at the conference:
* Dino Zandonella Necca - Presidente di Vitrum
* Licia Mattioli - Vice Presidente Confindustria
* Michele Scannavini - Presidente ICE
* Giorgio Giovagnoli - Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico
On 3 October 14.30 - 16.00 in Scorpio Room, there will be a Seminar dedicated to the Italian market entitled “Incentives for the renewal of machinery”.
The Seminar will provide an overview on the incentives available for Italian companies to purchase new machinery, with a particular focus on SuperAmmortamento, IperAmmortamento, Nuova Sabatini and Tax Credits for R&D?
The speaker will be Laura Biason, Director of Gimav.
Participation at the seminar is free of charge for all operators at the show registered online at
Those operators wishing to participate, who have not had the chance to register online, may, in any case, come directly to the Scorpio Room.
On 4 October, there will be a Seminar entitled “What’s hot in glass processing” 14.30-17.10 – in the Scorpio Room (for all operators)...