The second Convention of International Glass Associations, sponsored by Vitrum and the Italian Trade Agency was held June 6-7 in Murano, Italy. The event marked another success in terms of results, turnout and progress, say Vitrum officials.
“This second meeting of the International Glass Associations confirms the importance of understanding the true market needs and those of its players,” says Dino Zandonella Necca, president of Vitrum. “This year we managed to map out the priorities to be pursued, aware that concrete results may only be visible in the medium-long term."
The convention included technical sessions revolving around the industry’s main focal points; opportunities for sharing; and parallel events with artistic and cultural content.
The Murano event took place at the Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, a high-level research center and lab, internationally accredited for surveys, studies, analyses and, in general, technical developments in the glass industry.
“We were pleased to welcome in our community Finland, as a new member this year, and two new representatives from Brazil and Slovakia,” says Laura Biason, director of Vitrum. “Thanks to our shared objectives, we were also able to complete the list of discussion topics we outlined last year. Communication and information took their rightful place among the priority topics, alongside technical and production standardization, education and training, history and culture, energy and environmental stewardship. As is true for all manufacturing sectors, the element of ‘promotion’ is essential to our industry. It is incumbent upon us to convey to the media an understanding of the true essence of our efforts here, based on the principles of cooperation and concerted action, that cannot help but work to everyone’s advantage."
“Strengthening R&D efforts and supporting businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones, in interpreting legislative language pertaining to the glass industry in Italy and abroad, are certainly a must,” says Zandonella. “It was also noted [during the conference] that in some areas the economic situation has had a considerable impact on the ‘wellbeing’ of the industry and its workers. A call was made for a collective effort for targeted actions in terms of training to assist and prepare the local workers to keep pace with the competitive procedures in the global market."