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The International Exhibition ?GlassExpo – 2013?

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 The International Exhibition «GlassExpo – 2013» will take place from 29 th of October till


The International Exhibition «GlassExpo – 2013» will take place from 29 th of October till 31st of October in Moscow, Russia, at the International Exhibition Center «Crocus Expo», Pavilion № 2. The organizer is the National United Council of Glass Industry Enterprises - «StekloSouz» of Russia.
«GlassExpo» being developed professionally during the past 12 years; it has achieved high results. Moreover, «GlassExpo» is ranked among of the world's leading exhibitions of the glass industry, such as «Glasstec» in Dusseldorf and «VITRUM» in Milan.
The Exhibition's profiles are:
- various sorts of glass, which could be used in architecture and construction, design and industry, automobiles and electronics, lighting and glazing, etc.;
- diversity of the glass container and crystal wares, medical and laboratory glass;
- technology and equipment for the manufacture of glass and its products;
- instruments and control systems; batching, mixing, homogenizing, shape, sorting and other equipment , transport and storage, etc.;
technology, equipment and tools for glass - сutting, polishing, drilling, engraving, tempering, laminating, printing of figures, etc.
The Conference «Glass and modern technology» will be held at the same time with the Exhibition. The main subject of the Conference is «The Improving of Glassmaking Quality: Raw Materials, Refractory Materials, Ovens». In our opinion and according to our experience the Conference during the Exhibition is an effective method for specialists - participant of the glass industry to learn technological innovations and modern trends of the glass industry, to explore the experience of the largest glass - manufacturers, to use rationally their time.
The Conference «Glass and modern technology» is a meeting of potential producers and potential consumers; communication between experts in areas of production, design, research and glass design.
The one of the important advantages of the exhibition is an unique opportunity for the consumers to meet with developers, architects, manufacturers, designers, builders and to sign business contracts.
You can get more information about the Exhibition:
Tel.: +7 (495) 411-68-40, +7 (499) 767-42-73;
E – mail:
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