By definition glass films are a thin, transparent sheet that can be applied to the interior or exterior of glass surfaces to change its light-transmitting aesthetics, thermal, safety, and security characteristics. They were first introduced in 1969 as a response to problems relating to the limitation of sunlight in homes and businesses. They were not so effective in the beginning, due to highly-reflective and easily-scratched surfaces. Improper installations also led frequently to cracks and edge peel. Nowadays glass films have overcome these old limitations. The basic characteristics for all types of film today are that are easy to apply, almost invisible, and relatively cheap. The most recent tests show that glass films produce excellent results in solar control, blocking up to 98 percent of UV rays and 80 percent of normal heat gain. In addition, if the film is applied properly it does not significantly reduce visibility through the glass. For the future, experts predict greater UV-blocking capabilities to protect UV-sensitive furnishings, as well as films which will be more durable and resistant. Find additional information regarding glass films on the selected links.